Do you ever just sit there and analyse everything that's ever occurred in your life time? Whether that's childhood, adolescence, your 20's or just an hour ago. Doesn't it blow you away thinking how you got through certain times of your life? The times you thought would never end, but they kinda' just did, end I mean.
Sometimes life has a weird way of telling us something isn't right for us, often that's a lot to do with the people in our lives, we constantly think that having the "right" person in our life will make everything better, everything will fall into place and things will just make sense again...but is that ever the case?
Not really.
Now, I'm not only talking about the current and forever current issue in everyones' life being; a partner. I mean friends, family, employers, employees, you know; the thought that a polite bus driver in the morning might make your day brighter, right? It's almost as if we count on other human beings to make our lives better, and yes; to a certain extent, they can make our lives better. However that's not the issue. I mean, why would we ever complain that someones making our day a little bit less dull?
The issue is; who are we expecting this from? We invest our time usually in the wrong people, no matter who they are to you, no matter what they said to you, no matter how they are right now with you, it is always subject to change. We cannot guarantee our happiness through other people. In fact, this leads faster to sadness.
We must understand that people can empathise with you, but they will never fully understand you, that sometimes the things they do will hurt you; and you can't blame them, really. People are selfish, and I don't always mean that negatively. Being selfish is often a protective shield for people. There's just not many people that will put you before them.
When something is too good to be true..
..It usually is.